Hoskins owed $160,000 on the house. After hiring attorneys and arguing back and forth between both sides, Hoskins decided to get the last word so he bulldozed the house.
As of today, no charges are pending.
I Guess He Showed Them Too!!!
A teacher from Cliff, New Mexico taped over the wrong tape when he recorded a program off the history channel about the 1919 Treaty of Versailles.
He had left the video for his students to view with a substitute teacher whom was overseeing the class.
In the middle of the viewing, the program about the 1919 Treaty stopped, and porn began. Turns out the teacher had taped over one of his most prized possessions.
The Superintendent Dick Pool (what a great name) will not disclose if any action was taken against the teacher.
Being Kicked To The Curb In The Digital World!!!
With the help of Web 2.0 applications such as Facebook and MySpace, digital dumping is on the rise.
“Over one third of 2,000 people polled (34 percent) said they had ended a relationship by email, 13 percent had changed their status on Facebook without telling their partners and six percent had released the news unilaterally on Twitter” (Yahoo.com).
Yet, only two percent had broken up by text message.
“The rest had split up the old-fashioned way by face-to-face conversation (38 percent) and by telephone (eight percent)” (Yahoo.com).
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