Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Class of 2010

This Article is from The Pioneer

At Cypress Ridge High School in Texas, some students wore t-shirts that spelled out “C-L-A-S-S –o-f – 2-1-1-0”. They wore them in the front row of a group shot of more than 600 seniors. This led to the suspension of three students.

As it turns out, right before the camera was able to snap the photo, the letters “C” and “L” went missing in action, leaving behind an offensive yet humorous three letter word.

The school was not nearly as humored as the students were. The administration cited the school’s code of conduct and suspended the three students that wore the 3 letter word. Each student was also fined $150 to go towards retaking the photo. The students claim it was not their fault. It was letters “C” and “L” that should be punished.

So let this be a lesson to all that when pulling a prank, it has to be so well thought out, that after the damage is done that the innocent bystanders will receive the punishment for your actions. But then again, for the rest of your life, you will be known as the guy that when it comes to “Class” will always be minus the letters “C” and “L.”

Casper the Magic Cat

Did you hear about the cat in the UK? Every day it went to the bus stop, waited in line, and then rode the bus until being dropped back off at its stop.

This is true. The cats name is “Casper” and most everyone claimed that “Casper” was magical. The cat gained national attention for his daily adventures.

But Casper’s bus riding days came to an end last week. In his excitement to get to the bus, he forgot to look both ways before crossing the road and was killed by a hit and run driver in his hometown of Plymouth, England.

Casper was 12 years old.

Odd News from under the Boarder

In Mexico City the police are celebrating the rescue of 150 unharmed hostages following a car accident from a high speed chase. During the chase, the vehicle lost control and struck a tree. Two suspects were placed under arrest while a third suspect was able to escape.

So how in the world could they pack 150 hostages in one car?

Well, police in Mexico City stated “we were able to rescue the 150 hostages from the armed robbers and none of the hostages were harmed or injured, so we then turned the hostages whom were ferrets over to a veterinarian.”

This odd news reporter has no clue why anyone would ever want to steal a ferret, but I guess to each his own. Until Next Time -BC

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