Monday, May 24, 2010

Overdue Fees!!!!

New York City’s oldest library has issued a ledger of overdue fees. On that ledger is our first president, George Washington. If President Washington were alive today, he would have some hefty overdue fines. It appears that he checked out two books. One of the books was “Law of Nations” and the other was a volume of debates from “Britain’s House of Commons.” The books were due back on November 2 of 1789. Today, over 200 years later, the institution is willing to wave the late fees if they can only get the books back. I wish them luck with this endeavor.

Hide and Seek?

Police responded to a call that a robbery was in progress at a Maryland convenience store. When police arrived, they found a 20-year-old man dangling from the ventilation system. When the storeowner went to open the store up the morning of the call, he spotted a pair of feet dangling from the ceiling. After firefighters and police freed the 20-year-old man, he explained to cops that this was just a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong. However, then again, if he was really playing hide-and-seek and his friends did not find him, I guess that would make him a winner after all.

Until Next Time Take Care and God Bless -BC

What Happens in the Trailer Park Doesn’t Always Stay in the Trailer Park

So, what happens when you use alcohol to clean your bong and you accidentally spill the alcohol in the floor? Well, you typically go to light your bong to burn the excess alcohol out and then watch the fire trail that runs to the carpet and then quickly up the curtains.

A 30-year-old New Mexico man, who was out of his mind when police arrived, was arrested for allegedly using a marijuana bong to set his mobile home on fire.

The man acknowledged being distraught and suffering from a drug addiction.

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four!!!!

There is news from Athens, Alabama as authorities have arrested a man who tried to disguise five ounces of cocaine as a baked potato.

When police searched the car, while it was sitting in a parking lot outside a restaurant, the man claimed that he did not have anything illegal. Investigators searched the car and found a carryout plate with chicken, rice, and what seemed to be a foil-wrapped potato. However, the potato was very white and did not have a skin, or even butter for that matter. The man gave the cops a fake name. We are guessing it was Mr. Potato Head. Nonetheless, as of today, he sits in jail.

-Until next time take care and God Bless -BC

Elmo the Drug Smuggler!!!

Ronald Washington, a 33 year old from Uniontown Pennsylvania, is sitting in jail today on a $100,000 bond. His son, who was in kindergarten, took his marijuana stash to school in his Elmo backpack. Washington called his son’s school and asked if his son had arrived yet. When he was told his son had arrived, he informed the school secretary that he would be right down because he needed to retrieve something from the backpack very quickly.

This caused suspicion, and school officials searched his son’s backpack. They found a stash of nearly four ounces of marijuana, which is close to a quarter pound.

When Washington arrived at the school, troopers were waiting to arrest him. Now, he sits in jail.

That’s Not Grass!!!

In San Diego, Border authorities have arrested a man for trying to cross the border with two lawnmowers. The lawnmowers had bagging systems that were filled with a different type of grass. The grass was actually green ganja, better known as marijuana. He was trying to smuggle a total of 53 pounds across the border.

The unidentified driver was arrested and booked into San Diego county jail on suspicion of drug trafficking.

-Until next time, take care and God Bless -BC


Tiger Woods introduced us to it, and Jesse James is also guilty as charged for being involved in today’s chexting era.

It’s a cross between sexting and texting, and it has gotten both stars into a heap of trouble.

Chexting has placed both Woods and James in scandals that have ruined their images by cheating on their wives and having affairs via text messaging. reports that “It’s lipstick on the cellular — digital proof that becomes evidence you’ve been unfaithful,’ says Peter Dedman of Predicto Mobile, the largest paid mobile community in America.”

However, James and Woods are not alone. Divorce rates are on the rise and part of the blame can be put on this digital profound convergence of the sinful “Chexting.”

As new technology continues to be unveiled, cheaters everywhere are becoming more creative in their ways of being unfaithful.

So beware of your significant other and their cell phones. Betrayal could be happening before your very eyes. Just keep in mind, they do offer software to revive deleted messages from cell phones.