Monday, May 24, 2010

What Happens in the Trailer Park Doesn’t Always Stay in the Trailer Park

So, what happens when you use alcohol to clean your bong and you accidentally spill the alcohol in the floor? Well, you typically go to light your bong to burn the excess alcohol out and then watch the fire trail that runs to the carpet and then quickly up the curtains.

A 30-year-old New Mexico man, who was out of his mind when police arrived, was arrested for allegedly using a marijuana bong to set his mobile home on fire.

The man acknowledged being distraught and suffering from a drug addiction.

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four!!!!

There is news from Athens, Alabama as authorities have arrested a man who tried to disguise five ounces of cocaine as a baked potato.

When police searched the car, while it was sitting in a parking lot outside a restaurant, the man claimed that he did not have anything illegal. Investigators searched the car and found a carryout plate with chicken, rice, and what seemed to be a foil-wrapped potato. However, the potato was very white and did not have a skin, or even butter for that matter. The man gave the cops a fake name. We are guessing it was Mr. Potato Head. Nonetheless, as of today, he sits in jail.

-Until next time take care and God Bless -BC

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